Thursday, July 05, 2018

Things I learned lately 5 Jul

  • Scientists have discovered that not only can some spiders spin long loose silk threads that can carry them through the air on a light breeze, but they can also ride electric fields. Great. Flying spiders.
  • The silicon valley housing crisis is so bad, that a 897 square foot home listed for $2,590,000.
  • Trump's trade wars could destroy 5% of the global economy.
  • A second Brexit referendum is being considered.
  • The Moog synthesizer company may move production overseas because of Trump's tariffs as well.
  • People who become prison guards in Norway have to study a mix of criminology, law, welfare, applied ethics, and social work at a special staff academy. They learn how to establish relationships and communicate with the person behind the offence. (pictured: a prisoner spends time with his family)
  • There are no studies at all indicating that illegal immigration increases crime. None. In fact, as illegal immigration has increased, violent crime has decreased.

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