Friday, June 01, 2018

Small things 1 Jun

  • Apparently, you can be a champion for green technology and green culture, but you're not allowed to make money doing it.
  • Apparently, you can't be a champion for green technology and culture if you fly, drive, heat a house with oil or gas, own more than one house, etc.
  • Apparently, you can justify giving up trying to wean yourself off of oil because 'some' countries aren't doing it. Looking for proof these 'some' countries exist. For the record, China is definitely greening.
  • Apparently, you can refuse to allow more oil to go through your territory, and then complain when one threatens to allow less oil to go through your territory.
  • Apparently, $1.35 per litre of gasoline is outrageous. ~Said nobody who lives in Europe......
  • Apparently, it's not logical, practical, or possible to go greener if your economy depends on fossil fuels. ~Said nobody who lives in Norway......
  • Apparently, fossil fuel is the only way to create revenue. Unless you live in Iceland, where they are 100% on renewable energy.
  • Apparently, it's not logical, practical, or possible to guarantee equal wages for men and women. ~Said nobody who lives in Iceland, where it's the law.

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