Friday, March 02, 2018

Things I learned lately 2 Mar

  • A supermarket in Amsterdam, Ekoplaza, now has a 'plastic free' aisle selling 700+ grocery staples with no plastic packaging at all, a world first. It plans to roll this out nation-wide.
  • City councillors don't pay into the federal employment insurance program, and are therefore not eligible to collect EI.
  • The flu can stick around in your system for longer than a cold, with symptoms like fatigue persisting up to three weeks. Individuals infected with the flu can pass it to anyone within 6 feet, and only stop being contagious once they've been fever-free for a full 24 hours (without the help of medication).
  • Knockoff restaurants around the world: Mash Donalds in Iran; McDoner in Kazakhstan; Pizza Hat in Iran; Bucksstars Coffee in China; Stars & Bucks in Palestine; Burger Friends in Iraq; KFD and KLG in China; ZFC in Iran; Sunny Day (Subway) in Yemen; Duffin Dagels (Dunkin Donuts) in Spain; 7 Twelve in China.
  • There's a new peanut allergy treatment being tried which re-trains the body's immune system not to overreact to peanut protein. This involves re-introducing it to the body, increasing the amount of protein over time. The hope is to lessen the responses to an allergen, so instead of really intense reactions, you can take some accidental peanut protein and continue your day.
  • Roundabout intersections reduce deaths and serious injuries by 90%. That's because there's pretty much no opportunity for the deadliest kind of collision - the head on, high speed crash.

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