Thursday, March 29, 2018

Small things 30 Mar

  • French texting v. When texting with someone and you see the 'typing' indicator from the other party for what seems like a long time and the message finally comes through, something quite short, like "OK." Based on the fact that it usually takes more French words to say the same thing as lesser words in English.
  • Anybody here named Jeff?  Jeff: Yes.  Geoff: Yeos.
  • You know you might be a little out of it when you start looking for your phone using the flashlight on your phone.
  • In Canada, cruel parents don't dye the Easter eggs before the egg hunt and just throw them outside into the snow. Yes, we often still have snow at Easter in Canada.
  • "If any persons to the number of 12 or more unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously assemble together to the disturbance of the public peace and being required by any Justice by proclamation in the King's name in the exact form of the Riot Act, I George I, Sess. 2 c. 5 s. 2, to disperse themselves and peaceably depart, shall to the number of 12 or more unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously remain or continue together for an hour after such proclamation shall be guilty of a felony." There. You've just been read the riot act.....

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