Friday, September 15, 2017

Small things - 15 Sep

  • Cruel: Letting a cat play in a box of Styrofoam pellets. The static electricity makes the pellets stick to their fur. They don't like that.
  • "You don't think you come by being dull by accident, do you? It's years and years of training. Little kids aren't dull. You turn away for a moment and they're licking the light socket. We gradually learn and we become adults and we become experts at having nothing untoward happen. And then we pay money to go see it happen to other people. That's what movies and theatre are about." ~Keith Johnstone
  • I'd rather my government got tough on unemployMENT, rather than getting tough on the unemployed.
  • Becoming a vegetarian is a huge missed steak.......
  • Your bad luck may have in fact saved you from worse luck. Things to consider.
  • Never trust a mechanic that opens and closes the hood as if the car is talking when he's describing what's wrong with the car.
  • Parent to child: "When you grow up I want you to be assertive, independent and strong-willed, but while you're my child I want you to be passive, pliable and obedient."
  • The phrase 'pulled it off' makes no sense to me. Pulled it off of what exactly?
  • I'm making some synonym rolls. Just like grammar used to make.

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