Saturday, October 03, 2015

Reasons the Conservatives don't deserve another mandate in 2015

This is just what I remember and could research in 60 minutes or so. In fairness, there are people with a lot more time on their hands who have been keeping close tabs on the government's deeds since they took power. One of them is 24% Majority. He does a splendid job journalling what's been going on with links to news articles and editorials.

People might say, "It's not really fair to be focusing on the government that closely." To those I say, "It's called accountability." Our leaders promised a lot of things that they frankly never delivered on. But that happens all the time, with all parties. What really bothers me in this case, is the sheer insolence of the incumbents.

But back to the point. I give you my list of reasons why this government doesn't deserve another mandate this time around.

No personal attacks. Just facts.

  • Support of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Corporations before people, even before nations and their laws.
  • Failed on promises for better accountability, transparency and openness.
  • Lied about Mike Duffy. If 'lied' is too strong a word for you, how about 'didn't come clean'?
  • Disrespected veterans.
  • Too many cuts to government services.
  • Proven illegal robocalls in last election.
  • Proven electoral fraud in last election.
  • Making us wait 2 more years to collect our CPP pension.
  • Unwillingness to listen to all political stakeholders on any issues.
  • PM won't talk openly to press.
  • Federal scientists permanently muzzled.
  • More cuts to foreign aid than ANY other country.
  • Copyright reform that benefits big entertainment only.
  • Government said they would have adopted SOPA type legislation if it had passed in US.
  • Lack of vision on F-35 program. Worst fighter jet ever. Even an F-16 out-performs it.
  • Making the long form census, the most important statistical tool in Canada, voluntary, making it almost useless. Chief Statistician furious.
  • Cutting 50% of workers from Stats Canada.
  • Making new child tax benefits also available to the rich (who really don't need it).
  • No willingness to offer pharma-care program.
  • No willingness to create affordable daycare program.
  • The Tony Clement G8 spending debacle. Remember gazebos built with G8 meeting funds?
  • No promised senate reform. Then blamed it on the provinces.
  • Appointed 48 senators, after promising to stop appointing senators.
  • Overt promotion of Islamaphobia. Niqab bans? Really? This is important?
  • Gutting the National Archives.
  • Cuts to inmate reform programs.
  • Forced through 'Tough on Crime' bill while crime is lowest it's ever been. Even Canadian Bar Association doesn't approve.
  • If you argue with their policies, you're branded un-Canadian, a pedophile supporter, or a terrorist supporter.
  • When you bring up failed policies, they attack you personally, or blame previous governments.
  • Continuous cuts to the CBC. Only appointing pro-Con board members.
  • Federal riding redistribution (more seats) magically only happened in strong Conservative areas.
  • Food inspections services were cut.
  • Elections Canada can no longer promote voting to youth (or anyone).
  • No willingness to consider legalizing euthanasia.
  • Harper is the only PM in Canada's history to be found in contempt of Parliament.
  • Bill C-51 criminalizes free speech and offers no oversight over CSIS, RCMP and CSEC.
  • Sham 'Federal Accountability Act'. 60 promised reforms, 29 put in place, then 7 rolled back, 31 broken.
  • 4 prorogues of Parliament to avoid serious issues.
  • Forcing unpopular non-budget policies through government using budget omnibus bills and no discussions or chance for amendments.
  • Spying on environmental and aboriginal activists.
  • Failed to fulfill election promise to cut $1.4 billion in federal subsidies to oil companies.
  • $13 million per year for CRA to audit 'selected' charities. Not one of them Conservative.
  • Renaming Government of Canada to Harper Government.
  • Refused to sign on to UN declaration to make clean water and sanitation a human right. Only country opposed. Likely reason: they would then be forced to deal with water situation on first nations reserves.
  • Pulling Canada out of the Kyoto Protocol. 192 countries still members.
  • No federal measures to combat climate change. But they scold the provinces for not doing more when the provinces have done it ALL.
  • Climate scientists cut from Environment Canada.
  • No investment in green technology.
  • Fisheries Act, Navigable Waters Protection Act and Canadian Environmental Assessment Act either gutted or repealed.
  • 92 auditing positions eliminated from the civil service.
  • Rewrote access to information laws to retroactively protect RCMP from being prosecuted for illegally destroying records that had been requested by the public.
  • Deloitte Senate expense audit altered by PMO to protect Senator Duffy.
  • 10+ Tories charged with serious crimes since 2006.
  • The In/Out scandal (transferring money to local ridings and back to Conservative purse to get around spending limits).
  • Dissolution of CIDA.
  • Refugee health care stripped by immigration minister. Then he scolds Ontario when they offer it instead.
  • Not interested in finding out what happened to 1181 missing and murdered indigenous women and girls.
  • Our peacekeeping role obliterated.
  • Canada 16th out of 18 Western nations in per capita public broadcasting funding. Average = $80 per capita, Canada = $33.
  • Harper only attends 35% of question periods in 2015. Lowest on record. Ever!
  • Hired lawyers to attack the premise that our government has a sacred obligation to veterans.
  • Income splitting tax cut for non-seniors only relevant to 15% of households.
  • Canada fell from 7th to 25th in world ranking of economic gender gap. In other words, the gap between rich and poor growing rapidly.
  • Cancelled environmental risk assessments on nearly 500 corporate projects. Just in BC alone.
  • Jason Kenney called a UN recommendation to help 1 million Canadian kids who are too poor to eat 'ridiculous'.
  • Eliminated funding to 6 women's health organizations.
  • Government 'lost' $3.1 billion in anti-terrorism funding.
  • Closed 75% of Status of Women offices.
  • Voted against pay equity bill.
  • 41st per capita in acceptance of refugees. Not 1st as was claimed.
  • Unwillingness to consider de-criminalizing marijuana, even though a majority of Canadians now support it.
  • Officially denied a UN declaration labelling asbestos as hazardous. This resulted in world-wide declaration failing due to lack of consensus. Canada was the only dissenting country.
  • Conservative candidates told not to bother attending debates or meetings with constituents.
  • Government departments and agencies handed back $8.7 billion. In other words - money budgeted for, but NOT SPENT. That's your surplus.

Do you really need any more?

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