Sunday, June 22, 2014

Things I learned lately - 22 June

  • "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue in the same way." ~Texas Governor Rick Perry
  • There are more than 2,000,000 lakes in Canada, but only 31.752 of them have an area more than one square mile.
  • China laughed when they found out the cost to get Solar energy on par with the cost of coal energy ($10 billion). The Chinese are likely to make solar cheaper to help solve their environmental and energy supply problems.
  • Mercedes Benz will not sell the all-electric version of my B250 vehicle in Canada because they expect low sales.
  • A Republican representative in Oklahoma thinks it would be perfectly justifiable to stone homosexuals to death.
  • You can buy stuff from Macy's online, which ships to Canada. They are constantly having sales too. Darlene just bought something that originally sold for about $400 and paid $150, shipped.
  • Nissan is releasing a new supercar named Godzilla. I hear it's a monster. Pun intended.
  • Shows like The Colbert Report and The Daily Show find the many news video clips they make fun of using SnapStream to search for clips using their closed-captioning texts.
  • NASA has designed a theoretical warp drive ship. Now they just have to figure out how to make a warp drive real.
  • Wanna hire Prince for your own personal concert? That'll be $2,000,000. Miley? Arcade Fire? $1,500,000. Can anyone be had for less than $30,000? Yep. Chubby Checker. Harry Belafonte. Emerson & Lake. Megadeath. Pat Boone. The Human League. Village People. Vanilla Ice.
  • Crime in Denver has fallen over 10% since weed became legal.

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