Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lobby for something important

Parents of students in an area of Ontario are pressuring school officials to stop using wi-fi network connections in schools because of the potential health effects on children. The school board doesn't feel anything needs to be done.

The jury is still out on the long term effects of wi-fi and other wireless signals on our health, but these parents are insisting that something needs to be done.

Too bad nobody is making a big deal about school budget cuts, teacher salaries, impractical class sizes and unhealthy food and snacks in schools. These problems are known to contribute to problems for students down the road, but these more immediate issues remain largely ignored by parents.

I'm just sayin'.....


Bernie May said...

Sorry to disagree Karl, but the jury is not out on the long-term effects of wi-fi to health: THERE ARE NONE.

For the record, smoking is bad for you, acupuncture is no different from a placebo effect, and vaccinations do not cause autism.

Just sayin'.

Karl Plesz said...

That's OK Bernie. I still think it's possible that we might find out someday that all that spurious RF in the air has a detrimental effect on us, but that day certainly has not arrived. For the record I also agree about your statement about the smoking. Your comment on acupuncture made me do a sideways dog expression though.

You never did say if you agreed with my take on what parents should be concerned about.....

Bernie May said...

Right, sorry. Sometimes I drive so past I miss the exit to my point.

I think the parents are wasting their time chasing ghosts that don't exist. If their children are being affected en masse by a maladay, and that malady is caused by an environmental factor localized to the school, then considering WI-FI as a cause is a waste of time.

Worse than that, their little mass delusion reported in the newspaper as fact (because we know how good newspapers are at science) will be replicated across the country and at best waste time and effort, at worst engender yet another mass hysteria on the part of the great un-washed masses.

Like you said, we've got bigger problems to deal with.