You're invited to a pot-luck and have to bring something that you made yourself. What is the quintessential dish you bring. Tell us the story. What makes it special? How did it become your signature dish?
In our case, it would be Darlene's famous sweet and sour meatballs. The sauce itself is a secret family recipe given to her by her mom and the meatballs are hand rolled using extra lean ground beef and are laced with garlic. You wouldn't think people would go gaga over meatballs, but whenever we've trotted these bad boys out, it starts a small riot. At one of our parties, they went so fast, I never got to have any.
I sulked for days.
It's called 'Green stuff with chunks'.
It's Coolwhip, halved grapes, pineapple chunks, pistachio pudding mix, and cottage cheese.
Either that or Jalapeno-Cheese Beer Bread.
I make tomale pie, got the recipe out of the Anchorage news paper, Sunday Edition. The original recipe called for strips of beef, breakfast steak cut, saute onion, chop one jalapeno pepper, roast red, green and yellow bell peppers, chopped. Tomatoe paste. salt pepper to taste.
Simmer. Mix 1 cup corn meal, 3 cups water, one beaten egg, 1 cup cheese, soft Italian is good. Mix together, bake in 350 oven 1 hour. has become husbands favorite casserole.
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