“Show of hands—who’s wearing thongs?”
"I'm not crazy... yes you are.... SHUT UP AND LET HIM TALK!"
"Someone smells like sex!”
“Oh no! Where's the 13th floor?! [freaking out] What happened to the 13th floor!?"
“So far, my first day out of prison is going great.”
“DAMN! I should have remembered my medication this morning.”
"You all might want to get out on the next floor. It's gonna stink really bad in here in a minute."
“My water just broke.”
“I haven't been so close to this many people in a while....”
“I cannot believe I made it through security.”
"My 3rd nipple is a little leaky"
"[whispering while appearing to talk to someone that's not there] Do I have to kill them all?"
"Where did that spider go? [as you look around people]"
"Who needs kisses?"
[when someone asks you to push a certain floor button] "You're not the boss of me"
My favorite is to start spasming and shaking, with my eyes rolling back, and then say in a demonic voice, "AAAAGHH! I must find a more suitable host body!". I then stop and then look like nothing ever happened. Especially good in elevators with mirrors.
if you are a glass elevator, chant "Don't look down, don't look down!"
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