Sunday, May 02, 2010

GPS device versus iPhone Google Maps application

I have both, so I have done a comparison between the two.

iPhone Google Maps App

  • Free
  • Only having to bring iPhone in car a plus
  • Map updates don't happen often enough
  • No voice turn by turn directions
  • Have to touch screen to advance to next waypoint
  • Map doesn't orient itself to the ground (iPhone 3G limitation only)
  • Route doesn't auto-adjust if you deviate
  • Doesn't come with stand
  • Sucks battery life from iPhone
Garmin GPS device

  • Map updates are frequent and accurate
  • Comes with stand for hands-free operation
  • Turn by turn voice directions
  • If you deviate, the route readjusts
  • Offers alternative addresses when entered one can't be found in database
  • Points of interest easily accessible
  • Real, accurate GPS positioning
  • Costs money
  • Map updates cost money
  • One more device to lug around
Advantage: GPS device.


Anonymous said...

We bought a Garmin a few weeks ago and I love it. I don't need it a lot but when I go it comes through like a champ. however when we were in Hawaii in February we used Google maps quite a bit and that worked well too, but it did tax the battery and no voice telling us what to do.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that's why I have an Android phone. Google maps with all the newest features, including great navigation. Only downside is the voice is computer synthesized, so it sounds really old school and annoying. Of course, I can also use the Sprint navigation app for free, but Google Maps is fast, easy, and accurate. Gotta love Android.