Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Another practical application for the iPhone

LEDit allows you to turn your iPhone into a scrolling LED message board. Need to silently tell someone something? This application gets it done. You can see the scrolling text very clearly from quite a distance too. Possible uses:

In the car, to another car:

"Your brake lights are out"
"Your right front tire is flat"
"I'm streaming my iPod music on FM105.7"
"Nice smile - call me: 403-555-1097"

In the movie theatre, trying to find your party in the dark:
"Trudy, where are you... it's Ben"

In school:
"Cute red-head...... you're so hot!"
"The answer to question 3 is B"
"This substitute teacher is such a loser..."

It will even vibrate to let you know the message has completed scrolling before you turn it around.

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