Sunday, February 21, 2010

Food versus cancer! Yay food!

It's my understanding that the following foods are natural (and better) antiangiogenesis sources. In other words, they fight cancer.

green tea; strawberries; blackberries; raspberries; blueberries; oranges; lemons; grapefruit; apples; pineapple; cherries; red grapes; red wine; bok choy; kale; soy beans; ginseng; maitake mushrooms; licorice; turmeric; nutmeg; artichokes; lavender; pumpkin; sea cucumber; tuna; parsley; garlic; tomato; olive oil; grape seed oil; dark chocolate.

I regularly eat / drink 13 of those, so I'm feelin' good. I especially likes that last one there.......

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