Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dear Facebook

Man do you suck lately. Listen, I'm willing to overlook the constant design changes. At least you seem to be trying to find a layout combination that works. But what matters most - the performance of the site - this is severely lacking dudes.

I click a link and pray that it does something. Sometimes I click Groups and get nothing. Not even a blank screen as if Facebook is pretending to load the Groups. Just.... nothing. It's like Facebook is silently taunting me "You want to go somewhere little man?"

I look through my news feed and wonder which parallel universe I'm occupying at this moment, because feed items that were there 5 minutes ago have disappeared and been replaced with stuff from yesterday. Big fail.

Sometimes I go to upload a photo and in the middle of the process, it just freezes. No message, no error, nothing. Just permanent comatose behaviour.

Facebook. My message to you is simple. If you want to make it out of 2010 alive, you've got to fix these performance issues.

Or I swear, I'll go to Google Buzz.

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