Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Technology changes another aspect of our lives

Having the internet available on your smart phone has changed the whole meaning of being connected and what impact that has on our lives while we’re away from home.

With my iPhone, I can use a special Google app to verbally search for a service in the area I’m in, then have it map the results so that I can see which services are close by. I can also use my location services to not only see where I am on a Google map, but let Google tell me how to get to my destination (soon with voice turn-by-turn instructions).

With my Facebook app, I can see what people are up to, check for messages, look at pictures and update my status.

Up until now, we’ve slowly gotten used to using our phone’s location services to see where other things are in relation to us. But what about other people seeing us in relation to where they are? Apps like Loopt make it possible to add friends (who must also use Loopt) and see where they are in real time (if they choose to announce to the world). You can not only let your friends see where you are on the map, but annotate what you’re up to with status updates – like “I’m in Starbucks enjoying a Chai Latte.” This makes it possible for your friends to stop in and join you if they’re in the neighbourhood. When you ‘check in’, the app figures out where you are and offers a list of points of interest where you’re located so you don’t even have to announce it manually. Loopt integrates with Twitter and Facebook as well.

This is yet another life / game changer thanks to the marvels of technology. Privacy issues aside for now, this opens up a world of possibilities that will take some getting used to. With your permission, gone are the days of finding out that you were a block away from a friend you would have liked to see while en route to a destination. Now when people you know gather for social interaction, you can know right away, offering the opportunity to join them while you’re still close by. If you need help, for whatever reason, you can scan to see who is close, that might be of assistance to your situation. Hungry, but don’t like eating alone? Loopt can show you who is near so that you can invite them to join you. Apps like this also offer ratings systems for points of interest.


Unknown said...

I was working on the exact same type of mobile application (Friend Finder) for Autodesk, back in 2002. I'm guessing it was just too early to fit the time's mobile technologies...

Retro Blog said...

This whole connectivity thing reminds me dimly of a Sci-Fi story I read years ago. It was somewhere in the far galactic future. One planet did not want to join the rest of the galaxy. Alas they joined and it became that privacy was a thing gone by. As a cost of joining the galaxy and receiving lots of technological goodies, the entire galaxy had the privilege of viewing the planets private life. Oh and they also got the privilege of voting on big issues such as: "should a certain person with a certain deadly disease be allowed to committ suicide?". Those interested and who paid for the privilege decided on this question.