Thursday, December 31, 2009

Women get special parking in China mall

Do you know why I love China? Because it has no sense of the political correctness that we have adopted in our society. Example?

A shopping centre in China has built a car park with wider spaces designed especially to suit women drivers. The women-only car park in Shijiazhuang city is painted in pink and light purple to appeal to female tastes. Officials said the car park was meant to cater to women's "strong sense of colour and different sense of distance". The parking bays are one metre (3ft) wider than normal spaces, he said. Female parking attendants have been trained to help guide women drivers into their parking spaces. The bays also have extra lighting.


Anonymous said...

Watch out now, I am opening my car door! Stand back, I say!!


Retro Blog said...

oh WAIT I see one of them couldn't even get INSIDE THE LINES!!!