Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Too many cards

There's a trend in consumerism that I would like to see changed real soon. It has to do with the practise of handing out loyalty / member cards for every store you do business with. I have a card from my grocery stores (3 of them), my airline, various department stores, the frozen food specialty shop, the drug store, AMA (CAA), Costco, the video store and various other miscellaneous stores. The point is, all of these cards take up space in my wallet and my wallet's capacity is finite.

Can we not figure out a solution with the amazing technology we have at our disposal to amalgamate all of the loyalty / membership cards into one re-programmable device? I envision a special RFID chip card that, when you join a club, they take your one all encompassing member card, add their own data and hand it back to you. That's the last time you'd need to take the card out of your wallet in that particular store, because the RFID can be read at the till even when your card is 3 feet away. Each data entry in the RFID card can have a number prefix (just like credit cards have) that corresponds to that vendor and the till only looks for that prefix. If it's not there in the list - you're obviously not a member. Bank and credit cards would continue to work as per normal due to the security issues involved.

Can someone please get to work on something like this soon so I can trade in my jumbo-sized wallet for something a little more compact? Thank you.


Anonymous said...

RFID would certainly cut down on shop lifting. Still, going through the check stand is a good thing, suppose someone mis-priced an item to the tune of several THOUSAND dollars? Hmmm? Caveat emptor etc. etc.

Karl Plesz said...

I hear ya. But I was only talking about RFID'ing the loyalty / membership cards at this point.

Anonymous said...

Karl, maybe that's your calling, to make this pile of stuff portable....I'm just saying.