Saturday, October 03, 2009

Making power line towers do double duty

I'm surprised nobody thought of this before - build wind generating capacity into existing power line towers.

Why not? They're a fixture of our landscape already, why not make them do double duty?


Anonymous said...

I've often thought there should be solar collectors on the blades of the new wind power generators. I love the idea of cross utilization, not unlike a good secondary use of a golf course would be a cemetary.

Anonymous said...

I think the present towers are not tall enough or strong enough, but I betcha Idaho Power Company could come up with a design for a smaller more efficient wind power modification for the top of the towers. Also there is the problem with raptors who like to make their nests on top of the towers. meh. R

Anonymous said...

oh and watch out for the sand traps on the 6th hole at Our Lady of Contemplation Golf Course. R