Monday, October 12, 2009

Clever use of fruit to indicate gender

Actual male / female signs found on washroom doors (I don't know where though).


Anonymous said...

um just so I make everyone sure that I'm a doofus...the wedge shape is woman (skirt), the round with pie cut out is man (legs) ??
So I find this ambiguous and open to misintepretation, ya?

Karl Plesz said...

Based on your interpretation, I guess it is ambiguous.

I immediately assumed the whole fruit with the missing wedge was the female and the missing piece was the male..... you know...... because it fits into the wedge.

Anonymous said...

So we have Adam Watermelon slipping his "rib" into the Eve watermelon? Jeez I better stop..this has potential for true stupidness.

The Cash Whisperer said...

It from Home Slice Pizza in Austin Texas. The piece is the male and the whole pizza with the piece missing is the female.

Karl Plesz said...

That's a pizza!?

Egg on my face.....