Darlene Karen Taylor (nee Mulikow) was born in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada on June 13 1957. Her first home was The Covered Wagon Trailer Park from 1957 to 1959 (we wont go there). Daughter of a Canadian Armed Forces pilot, she travelled the world and has lived in almost every province in Canada as well as two separate postings totalling 5 years in Germany. The only things in German she ever learned to say were “Eine grosse bier bitte!” (2 large beer please) and “Scheiße!” (Shit!)
She spent the first 42 years of her life as either a military brat along with her 3 siblings or military wife, as a result experiencing over 26 relocations in her life. She has learned how to pack a suitcase with precision and keep a house uncluttered. She has finally established roots in the beautiful city of Calgary Alberta Canada - in the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
Being a Gemini – these relocations were both a blessing and a curse as she is both painfully shy yet extremely inquisitive. Her ancestors arrived in Canada from the Ukraine, Romania, France and Ireland so that can give you an idea of her mixed temperament. She dressed Goth even before the Goth look became fashionable – dying her hair black and wearing black clothing and boots in her early teens. Yet, to this day she does not possess a single tattoo or piercing. She had no idea what her natural hair colour was. She loved to drink beer every weekend until she finally outgrew it (and it took too long to recover) at the age of 30.
Darlene starting reading full length books at the age of 5, clutching her very first library card - and she hasn’t stopped since. Her particular interests are the history of England from the distant past to present, biographies, and metaphysics. Her favourite authors are Rohinton Mistry (all of his books) and Jane Roberts of the Seth Material (all of her books). She combined / skipped a grade twice and graduated from grade 13 at the ripe old age of 17. She took part in a smörgåsbord of hobbies / activities over her life – Brownies, Girl Guides, swimming, school athletics, judo, skating, bowling, jazz dance and burlesque but has now morphed into an Ebay queen. She spent most of her youth as a walking skeleton (much to the chagrin of her Ukrainian grandmother) until the age of 18 when she had her first and only child. She has lost and gained and lost and gained over 70 pounds since then and is now definitely not a walking skeleton. When she can she likes to row on her professional quality Johnson rowing machine listening to her favourite tunes. She was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2003 and continues to this day to try to research its causes and how to live with its challenges.
After her introduction to computers and the internet in 1995 she had the pleasure of taking part in a metaphysics chat room and meeting some friends who she is still in regular contact with to this day. Darlene has been running a meditation group / psychic development workshop out of her home since 2000.
She has one green eyed, red-headed 32 year old daughter and a blue eyed, tawny haired 17 month old granddaughter (both Taurus). Darlene has had a variety of careers – waitress, accounting clerk, finance clerk and has been a hospital pharmacy / chemotherapy technician for the last 22 years.
She keeps her home immaculate except for dusting – that gets done on a ‘need to’ basis only. She is very well organized but needs post it notes as reminders for anything and everything. [Karl adds:] She is a home baking machine! She also has a warped sense of humour (thank goodness).
She loves cats and doesn’t like to share her home with dogs. It’s not that she doesn’t like them – she just doesn’t like their barking, their smell when they come in from the rain, their sniffing of butts and crotches, having to walk them, having to clean up after them, and having to find someone to look after them when you want to travel. Otherwise they are OK.
She loves to travel and her favourite destinations are London England and Las Vegas. Give her the sound and view of the crashing ocean surf on the Oregon coast but only out of the window of a 5 star hotel with room service and a huge, soft, comfortable Tempur-Pedic or feather bed.
Darlene is married to her best friend and second husband and they just celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary this year. Her 50th birthday was over 2 years ago. Circumstances and her health prevented her from having a massive celebration at that time, but she hopes to make up for it.
Nice to meetcha Darlene! I hightly doubt that my husband could come up with as good a compilation of my life history. I would make stuff up just do drive him crazy. R
HI Darlene, we love you....Mitch and Carla waving from the front steps!
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