In this episode, I'll briefly talk about a real no-no at work: Unsolicited personal advice.
A sure fire way to alienate and offend your colleagues is to lecture them on how they could be living their lives differently. This is true especially if they weren't asking - but even if they were. If a co-worker asks your opinion about a life issue, it doesn't mean they care to actually adopt your philosophy or lifestyle or advice. In fact, they're looking for your offering in the form of a non-judgmental personal observation, not a manifesto. Your co-workers don't want you telling them or even hinting that their fashion sense is askew, or that they could stand to lose a few pounds or that the person they're dating / wed to isn't as nice as that adorable person in accounting. They could care less if the food in front of you at lunch is gluten-free, low sodium, high fibre and low fat if they're obviously enjoying chowing down on some warmed-up, left-over mac 'n cheese, because they know what it is that you're insinuating.
The last thing you should be doing at work is judging people or comparing their pitiful lives to your apparently superior one. Remember, just because you spend 7+ hours per day with someone doesn't mean they're your BFF. The only personal things you all have in common is your place of work and your desire for it to be Friday already.
BTW, those BBQ flavoured rice cakes you're eating look delightful. [snicker]
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