Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The big bag game

Since I have plundered the internets looking for great games and exercises for my upcoming Improv workshop, I thought it only fair that I share one that Darlene and I invented with the rest of the world. If this game already exists - I didn't know about it....

I'm calling it "Big bag". Two improvisers are at a bus stop, one has the big bag (of secret props). The improviser without the bag asks to borrow a pen (or tissue, something normal). The actor with the bag reaches in (without looking) and pulls something out. They hand it to the other to hold (so that they may dig for the correct object) and must tell the story behind the object.

Preparation: The bag can be a large purse, but I chose a small backpack for my 'big bag'. Darlene and I have been filling it with all manner of unique and interesting objects.

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