Monday, August 24, 2009

Ways to make work better - Vol 2

This seems to be evolving into a series of thoughts about the workplace.

I am not the world's foremost expert on leadership. But I know what works after being in the workforce 30+ years. Here is a brief but succinct list of what makes a good boss:
  • A true leader's primary responsibility is to provide the resources necessary to enable workers to do their job better.
  • Effective leaders lead by example. They deal honestly, react predictably, control their emotions.
  • A sign that a great leader is in charge is that everyone knows what is expected.
  • Leaders 'spread the fame and take the blame'. A leader is humble and tries to elevate everyone.
  • Leaders hate the status quo. They ask "What if...?" They embrace challenge and encourage necessary change.
  • Leaders help workers entertain new ideas. They are able to suspend judgement while listening to others' ideas, able to accept new ways of doing things that someone else thought of.
  • Leaders are fair. They deal with others consistently and justly. They check all the facts and hear everyone out before passing judgement.
  • Leaders motivate their people to develop their latent capabilities, learn new skills.
  • Leaders transition a group to a new condition or paradigm with minimal opposition and loss and know how to sell something that has never been done before.
  • People need feedback. A leader lets them know when they're doing well and when they're not. Once a year doesn't cut it.
  • A leader has a sense of humour.


Anonymous said...

Your up early this morning


Karl Plesz said...

Dude..... I'm up early every morning.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Ok I meant you are posting new stuff early this morning. I read the blog when I got into work this morning left to do some work came back to turn on your jukebox and you had posted something new.


Karl Plesz said...

Believe it or not I posted from the waiting room of my car dealership (car in for routine maintenance). But I was up at 6am.