Monday, June 01, 2009

This is what some might consider the worst case scenario for out-sourcing to India - care of the elderly. But one guy decided to give it a try. His parents needed 24/7 care, but he couldn’t afford the quality of care he wanted for them in the US. So he sent them to India!

"Once staff (were) found, he could give his parents a much higher standard of care than would have been possible in the US for his father’s income of $2,000/month. In India that paid for their rent, a team of carers - a cook, a valet for his father, nurses to be with his mother 12 hours a day, six days a week, a physiotherapist and a masseuse - and drugs (costing 1/5 of US prices), and (still) allowed them to put some money away."

I've often wondered what kind of standard of living I could expect if Darlene and I moved to a warm country with a lower cost of living than Canada once we were both retired. It couldn't be India though, as I can barely tolerate spice at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um one big monsoon will wipe them out I'm thinking, get insurance!!