Saturday, May 16, 2009

The power of social networks 'parte dos'

Just a few days ago, I posted about the power of social networks and the internet. I didn't go into detail, leaving my readers to go discover what the hubbub was about.

Long story short, Guatemala is on the verge of a defining moment in history thanks to an alleged corrupt government that has resulted in the assassinations of some people, the last of which made a video predicting his assassination days before it happened. On his death, the video was made public on YouTube and the country has been woken as if from a stupor, with people tweeting and blogging that something has to be done. One Twitter-er was arrested for 'inciting financial panic' and has been released owing a $6500 fine (which will probably be paid with the help of PayPal contributions). Anyway, the giant has awoken and interesting time are ahead for the people of Guatemala - if they take matters into their own hands.

Pictured is the Twitter user, Jean Ramses Anleu Fernández, who essentially suggested that the best way to hurt the corrupt bank (at the centre of the scandal) was to withdraw all your money from it.

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