Sunday, May 17, 2009

How old do those animals get?

If you've ever been curious as to the average life span of various animals..... have I got the site for you! Some of these I never would have guessed:
  • Bison - 30
  • Canada Goose - 33
  • Eagle - 55
  • Parrot - 80

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I lived in Barrow, Alaska a very old whale was hunted one spring. When finally drawn to show by most of the town and a big ol caterpillar tractor, it was estimated to weigh 40 tons. The blubber was very tough and took much longer than usual to boil. The scientists were given a hunk when the villagers cut into it and found something hard. The hard bit turned out to be a hand made stone spear point. Much congecture then about how old the whale actually was. R