OK, car-of-the-future designers - take note. If you're thinking of designing a car of the future to replace what we have now with something more efficient, try to remember what current cars look like. There's a perfectly good reason why we don't see Smart cars in every driveway. Or Segways in every house garage. Modern consumers need a vehicle that has room for a family. Even if you're targetting a car for a person or two to take to work, it has to project a sense of safety.
Here's an example of what won't go over well. Ever. Video of the poser here.
PUMA, Purely Unappealing Motorized Ambulator. No room for groceries, not even a handle to hand a bag of groceries from the side, back. Maybe a PUMA attachable wagon? From a distance it looks like one of those large outside mail depositories. Oooh! Maybe Uncle Sam could purchase a bunch, turn them into mail carriers that stand on the corner and at the appointed hour, return to the main sorting station to deliver the mail. Huh? Huh?
They've had something like this for years, only without the fancy roof. I think they call them "electric wheelchairs".
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