Wednesday, April 01, 2009

My latest meme - [your name] needs...

Time to have a little social networking fun: Google your first name and the word needs in quotation marks (such as "Catharine needs") and type the first 10 things that come up.

1. Karl needs help
2. Karl needs to take care of his baby
3. Karl needs Facebook
4. Karl needs a hobby
5. Karl needs a girlfriend
6. Karl needs firing
7. Karl needs sleep
8. Karl needs help to shoulder cost
9. Karl needs to focus his attention on shorter-term goals
10. Karl needs more time with his family


Retro Blog said...

Royce "needs" on Google was pretty pathetic, mostly links to Rolls Royce or some sports star named Royce, both of which are urged to sell more cars, buy a home, tour America....

Better yet, the word verification for my post was "Pogiso".

Please submit Definary Diction definition. I believe Pogiso is a Japanese version of a and held computer game that involves the time management of growing soy beans...really..

Anonymous said...

1. Nancy needs to learn what the moon is.
2. Nancy needs your help.
3. Nancy needs a vacation.
4. Nancy needs a Bass Player on MySpace music.
5. Nancy needs to be punished.
6. Nancy needs insurance help.
7. Nancy needs to date Russ and be done.
8. Nancy needs jail time!
9. Nancy needs to ask Palin's advice on cleaning.
10. Nancy needs a place to call home.

ineed said...

I apologize in advance for posting a self promoting post but you guys already get how fun this game is. I wanted to let you know that I made an app that is the same idea. But on your iPhone, it's a mobile, fun, conversation starter. I'd really appreciate any help that you could give letting people know about it. It's called iNeed and it's for the iPhone and in the app store in iTunes. Here's the link.

iNeed a totally random, hysterical pyschic!

Thank you for any support you can send my way!
