Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The most boring knee injury story in the world

A short story:

Sunday morning, all is fine. Before lunchtime, my knee is bugging me. By bedtime, it's swollen, hot and I feel like crap. Knee hurts so much, I can barely sleep. Like a fool, I go to work Monday morning. By the end of the day, I'm sore, feverish and not getting any sleep. Tylenol #3 to the rescue. I get some sleep - finally. This morning, I'm feeling a bit better, but the knee is still swollen. I go to doctor's. I sense concern. It's infected. I get the rest of the week off. Knee is X-Rayed. I need a follow-up appointment Friday. Epsom salt wraps. Crappy TV....... I have no idea what happened.

In case you're wondering why it seems like I'm taking it easy. It's because I am.....


Anonymous said...

Knee infection, that's some crazy stuff. Hope you feel better soon buddy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that Karl! Having fractured my kneecap recently I can empathize; we use that joint a lot, and it sucks being laid up. Speedy recovery!

Karl Plesz said...

Thanks for the well wishes guys. I can't sit still for very long, so this really sucks......