Message to Amazon dot ca:
Start selling DRM-free mp3s on your web site. I've got money right here. I will spend it. Just wake up and sell me some digital music already.
Message to anyone who's about to suggest iTunes to me:
Don't even bother..... Stop.
Amazon dot ca just bragged to the country that they sell electronics now. Please..... I've seen better selection of electronics at my local pawn shop. Here's something you could try for fun - open Amazon dot ca next to Amazon dot com and compare what they sell. The dot ca is to the dot com what 7-11 is to Harrod's. And that's an insult to 7-11.........
I switched to Zune. I did this after I was involved at a beta study with Microsoft on their campus. I have been disillusioned with itunes for quite some time. try it out. I find it really annoying to have to keep buying the same music over and over again.
I use iTunes and I've never had to buy the same music twice, if I have an issue Apple resynchs my tunes for me. That being said if I didn't get my iPod as a gift I would of gone Creative... because for the LOVE OF GOD APPLE LET ME DRAG AND DROP!
Don't get me started on Amazon's policies, and for me: iTunes is a last resort (their DRM-free selection is really limited). I won't go near the Zune store since they promote the standard Microsoft platform incompatibilities, particularly they way they're doing it in Canada.
So here's my plug: the selection isn't as great for popular music, but there are a ton of things out there by non-mainstream artists and more importantly: quality DRM-free files and a massively higher payback to the artists than traditional distribution channels at eMusic. Note that I have no affiliation with the site other than being an occasional user. Check it out sometime.
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