Friday, November 14, 2008

Democracy does not equal theocracy

In yet another example of not knowing how to keep church and state separate, America's Catholic bishops declared that if the Democratic-controlled Congress and the incoming Obama administration enact proposed legislation (which would remove most state and federal restrictions on abortion), they would see it as an attack on the church. President-elect Obama had pledged he would sign the legislation if elected.

Message to Bishops: Just because you don't believe abortion is proper doesn't give you the right to decide if it's proper for everyone. Advise your flock that abortion is bad, but leave the rest of us out of it please. It's called freedom of religion and freedom of choice.

It's a good thing the Jehovah's Witnesses aren't more influential in politics, or y'all wouldn't be allowed to drink; engage in premarital sex; smoke; gamble; celebrate Christmas; recite the pledge of allegiance; join the military; or run for political office ........


Dismythed said...

I would like to correct misinformation here. Jehovah's Witnesses are indeed allowed to drink any kind of alcohol they like, but simply in moderation (not getting drunk). Also, Jehovah's Witnesses wouldn't care to force their rules on anyone. You can do as you please. Only those dedicating themselves to Jehovah are expected to conform to a way of life that professes faith in God and Jesus Christ.

Karl Plesz said...

I stand corrected about the drinking part.

For the record, my family was in the Jehovah's Witnesses for a period of time and.... well... I wouldn't exactly agree with the statement: "Jehovah's Witnesses wouldn't care to force their rules on anyone. You can do as you please." They were relentless in trying to coerce every family member to adopt their way of life. I won't go into detail. I also saw quite a few broken families because of children who insisted on 'doing as they please'.

Dismythed said...

That is certainly true, there are many who have a little too much zeal lacking the temperament of experience. Some feel it their duty to keep after family members in order to stay in contact with them. It is just misguided love. They need to know that if their family members reject their beliefs that those have made their stand and there's nothing more that can be done. The Scriptures counsel that if they cannot be won of with words that perhaps they can be won over without a word through the conduct of the believer. As long as the family aren't in strict opposition to the word, there's no reason to be uncomfortable with them or barrage them with religion.

As for children, every parent seeks to raise their children with their morals and beliefs. When the child chooses something different, it can certainly cause turmoil, no matter what the belief system of the family. But the same principle applies here as above. Peace comes from acceptance, and love will win a multitude.

Do not chalk it up to their being Jehovah's Witnesses. People of all beliefs, even atheists, have zeal, and if it lacks experiential knowledge, it can interfere with relationships.

Unknown said...

Back to the point of this article. I'm with you. Separation of church and state should be a pillar of civilization.
