Saturday, September 06, 2008

Just some quick movie reviews

Last weekend Darlene and I watched a couple movies. We started with a movie I had heard both good and bad things about - No Country for Old Men. I have to admit, it was a decent movie. I felt that all the hype I had heard about it around Oscar time was a tad overblown, but it was OK nonetheless. The ending was rather unique.... Next, we watched The Bank Job. As I joked with some friends - a Jason Statham vehicle with a plot no less! Based on a true story, this movie has enough twists and turns to keep most people engaged.

Today, we watched a couple more. The first was a Canadian independent film that Darlene had seen at the Calgary Film Festival - Walk All Over Me. Starring LeeLee Sobieski (the young girl from Eyes Wide Shut - all grown up now) and Tricia Helfer (the blond Cylon from Battlestar Galactica). It's a crazy dark comedy about a young lady who just can't seem to stay out of trouble who looks to a friend who is a dominatrix. Then things really get wacky. Don't take the synopsis at IMDB too literal, it takes place in Vancouver BC, not Seattle.

Last, but certainly not least, we watched Death at a Funeral. I don't know how this movie escaped my notice - we spotted it by accident at the video store. But I'm glad I did find it, it was freaking hilarious. The tag line for this movie was 'The family that puts the F U in funeral'. Never has a bottle of valium featured so prominently in a movie before.

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