Just a couple of days ago, the gasoline price in Calgary went from $1.30 /litre to $1.39 /litre in one fell swoop. It's actually more elsewhere. Convert that to US figures and that works out to an increase of $0.32 cents per gallon. So imagine if you woke up Saturday and your gasoline was up $0.32 cents per gallon. Or put even better, imagine if it cost you $4.97 per gallon - for regular - which is the equivalent of our price right now, even taking the exchange rate into account.
Oh yeah - they're blaming this hike on hurricane Ike.
"They" will blame everything but the true cause. Greed
Our gas station is still pretty schizophrenic, today it is $3.87 per gallon. Apparently they haven't read about the 500 point fall in the Dow Jones, the Hurricane Ike ideling 25% of the Texas oil refiners and the drop in oil per barrel to 92 bucks per? I'm sure they are simply confused and forgot to RAISE the price.
[snort] "... forgot to raise the price..." Oh that's rich..... no pun intended.
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