Monday, December 10, 2007


Is it an 'attack' on one belief if you profess a belief in something else? Sounds bizarre, doesn't it. Yet that's what some people are proclaiming after an atheist group put up a sign to mark the winter solstice with the words, "Imagine no religion".

Muslims and Christians alike are upset, especially at the suggestion (as portrayed in the sign) that 9/11 wouldn't have happened if it weren't for religion.

Message to John - wherever you are: They still don't get it............


Anonymous said...

My humble opinion.

"The key to a peaceful world is a growing appreciation of people's differences, not merely as tolerable, but as the essence of a rich and rewarding human experience"

Religion or faith in any belief system (money, country, oneself, etc) needs this. I am a person of faith that enjoys and celebrates when I meet people that have this outlook on life, outside of my own belief system. These people enrich my life and help me experience different things that I might have never tried or see things in a different light.

Anyone void of this I find is intolerable towards others not like themselves (religious or not).

Karl Plesz said...

"appreciation of people's differences"

Certainly cannot argue against that.....