Wednesday, October 24, 2007

If Canadian stereotypes were true....

....We would live in igloos; We would all wear toques (pronounced tukes); We'd use PeltPal instead of PayPal and our only store would be The Hudson's Bay Trading Post; We wouldn't need locks on our doors (not far from the truth actually - my mom constantly went out and left the front door unlocked - much to my amazement); We would all get around via canoe or dog sled - rich people would own ski-doos; We would have access to snow-covered ski hills all year round; We would be born knowing how to play hockey; All law enforcement officers would look like Mounties; We would all know Bill from Toronto; We would be able to drive from the Rockies to Niagara Falls in one day; Canadian Tire money would be legal tender everywhere; Electricity and running water would only be a dream to many people; We would all wear lumberjack shirts; To buy anything modern we have to travel to the US and bring our shopping back across the border on voyageur canoes across the Great Lakes....

Anyone want to add more stuff?


yoo hoo said...

Wouldn't you all end your sentences in eh?

Tim Coughlin said...

All our sidewalks would be made of wood

Anonymous said...

We would all speak french

Unknown said...

We'd say 'aboot', eat Kraft Dinner a lot, be lumberjacks, have pet beavers, and our sidewalks would be made of ice. :)

Anonymous said...

You'd live in a frigid, barren wasteland in log cabins. you'd wake up in the morning, go feed your pet beavers and then go tap the ol' maple tree for breakfast. You'd sit around a hole in the middle of a frozen lake for most of the day looking for lunch, then you'd come home and chop some wood before dark since you don't have electricity to stay up after sunset.

Anonymous said...

Something nice about Tim Horton's or bagged milk..
And yeah, did you know you forgot to say eh?, eh?