I'm just curious..... did anyone pay any attention to
Live Earth a few days ago? Do any of my readers know what it was about? Did anyone care? I'm sensing a lot of apathy.
[update] Here's how apathetic I am..... I had to majorly (yes, that's a word) edit this post because I originally referred to it as Earth Day...
I heard about it, but keep confusing it with Planet Earth, a program on Discovery channel. I didn't watch it though...I was outside being outside.
Ditto, I was out rock-climbing.
Yes, and a member of one band that did NOT participate remarked how hypocritical it was, since the electricity to light one stage set probably could run a small African village for 5 years.
Well I knew about it, but didn't realise it was actually happening until the same day. Sort of like I thought it was a rumour. It seemed sort of under the radar. H.
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