Allow me to get a little philosophical on you for a few moments. That statement in the post title is a powerful one. Nothing is a 'waste of time' simply means that every thing you choose to try in your life is aworthwhile adventure, an important experiment, a valuable life lesson. It matters not if you don't succeed at everything you try - it's just not likely for everything to work out perfectly. But you will find that some things work out quite nicely and it's after these victories that you should reflect and consider, 'Imagine if I had not given that a try'. Which leads to the second part, 'nothing' is a waste of time' - in other words, sitting around waiting for life to happen is a fool's errand.
The job I currently enjoy wouldn't have manifested if I had not submitted that resume in the year previous. I would not have met Darlene if I had decided not to go to that party in 1987. I never would have met the dozens of great people I taught computers to (many of whom have become great friends) had I not listened to Darlene's advice and signed up for the CA Program at ABES (NAIT) in 2000. I wouldn't have had the opportunity to act the fool at Law Day this year had I not signed up for acting classes last fall (which in turn led to meeting a whole new group of people), which will end up contributing to my getting on stage doing improvizational theatre some day.
Words to live by........
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