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I'm going to go on record as having never seen an episode of the Sopranos. Does it count that when I used to be in a choir I sang Soprano?
Uh............ no.I actually know a lot of people that have never seen the show. Darlene and I turned into the TV slaves that waited faithfully for every new episode to come out - first run.We're such sheep sometimes.
Count me in for never seeing an episode either.......Now, CSI...thats a different story, I love the shows.
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I'm going to go on record as having never seen an episode of the Sopranos. Does it count that when I used to be in a choir I sang Soprano?
Uh............ no.
I actually know a lot of people that have never seen the show. Darlene and I turned into the TV slaves that waited faithfully for every new episode to come out - first run.
We're such sheep sometimes.
Count me in for never seeing an episode either.......Now, CSI...thats a different story, I love the shows.
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