Thursday, June 28, 2007

It all comes together

Last night was my final class of Essentials of Acting at Company of Rogues. We did our final performances of the scenes we had been evolving over the 6 weeks, or in the case of my partner and I - 3 weeks. It was awesome. We remembered all of our lines. We brought the emotional level up. The instructor seemed impressed. I felt really good when it was over. Like pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

We were lucky to have the rest of our Epcor compatriots from the Saturday session with us to watch our performances, which was cool. I'm probably going to check out their masterpieces on Saturday afternoon.

The only Company of Rogues class I'm even remotely interested in now is the Meisner course. I just have to figure out how to fit it into my schedule. This fall is going to be more hectic than ever and I'm hoping to do some volunteering at Loose Moose Theatre to get my foot in the door for improv opportunities.

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