I'm not going to pretend like I think Canada is the best country in the world. Every country has its good and bad points, right?
So let's dispense with the bad ones first, shall we? Our Trans Canada Highway system is laughable. Most of our best talent leaves the country before they make it big. We have no tropical region of the country. We have no high speed rail. No..... that line from Quebec City to Windsor is not a high speed rail line. Our winters can get brutal.
Now the good ones. We don't take ourselves too seriously. As a result, our comedy exports are numerous. We have lots of land and water, but not a lot of people. We're historically a liberal society, at least in the last 40 years or so. Our national icon is a frickin' beaver. Our flag is awesome. We invented hockey. We have a low violent crime rate. We have one of the world's smallest armies, yet we kick butt when it counts. We invented Tim Horton's. We've got Mounties!
Photo by steve took it
Can people still move there, say when their own country stops being smart?
Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not that some countries aren't 'smart'. It's that there's a time when ordering off the menu for everyone is appreciated and this just isn't one of those times...... if you catch my meaning.
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