Wednesday, June 06, 2007

100 things in 100 days - number 11

11. Very few people can spell my last name on first try.

Very few people can spell my last name on first try - having only heard it, or pronounce my last name - having seen its spelling. I do what I can to help them along:

"It's pronounced like pleasant - without the 'ant'."
"Spell plez in your head and add an 's' before the zed."

But when it comes to spelling, even when I spell it out for them, they add consonants where they don't belong:

Me: "P.... l.... e.... s.... z"
Them: "P...... l..... a......
Me: "No..... P-l-e........"
Them: "P-l...... e.........t..
Me: "NO! P-L-E... S...... Z!"
Them: "P-l-e-s-c-h....."
Me: "S!.... Z!"
Them: "Z?" [quizical look]
(Like my name doesn't have a 'zzz' sound in it)


Anonymous said...

tell me about it :) Remember it's even worse here!

Anonymous said...

um, that was me....Heidi