Remember the drive-in restaurant? They used to be all the rage in the 60s and 70s. For those of you that never saw one, they're like a drive thru except that you park and they bring the food to your car on a tray that mounts on top of your door (with the window down). Stereotypically (at least in the US), it was girls in mini-skirts wearing roller skates. I remember going to one as a kid. The last one I ever saw was in Kingston Ontario in the early 80s, but it closed soon after I moved there if it wasn't closed already.
Has anyone seen a drive-in restaurant lately? Am I the only one who thinks the time is ripe for them to make a comeback?
Here in the Seattle area we have several chains of drive-ins. I think you might like them. The signs advertise "Dine in your Car", like that's a bunch of fun. But the VERY best drive-in is my home town in Idaho, Roe Anns drive in. I remember going there as a kid and playing with the phones where orders are placed from the cars. Roe Ann's is still going strong and even sponsors a Cruise Night with classic cars. It's quite a big deal for a little town in Idaho. http://roeann.com/ Ya gotta dig the prices too.
Yeah, there is one in Oconomowoc, WI. It's called The Kiltie. The waitresses are high school girls, they wear short skirts, no skates though. They hold a muscle car show during the summer. Food is great.
I think Sonic's does that. Sonic's is a fast food chain. I haven't tried it yet though.
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