Wednesday, May 02, 2007

100 things in 100 days - number 49

49. I like cats.

I tolerate dogs, but I love cats. It's hard to explain why, but I guess I admire their aloofness one moment, which can instantly be replaced by warmness. Cats can be goofy like dogs too. I remember our cats, before we had to adopt them out because of allergies. Our male (Taz) loved to play fetch, or poke the ball off your lap from underneath. It was fun to watch his vocalizations when he saw creatures outside too (birds, rabbits, squirrels, gophers). The girl (Ash) was a riot too. She was so dainty and always fluttered her eyelids at you. She also loved to taunt Taz and egg him on to chase her.

Yeah.......... good times. So if you have cats, we'll be right over...... well, you know.... for a little while.


yoo hoo said...

We have two kitties that act like they get no attention from us feel free to come over and visit with them.

Karl Plesz said...

Well, they'll get lots of love from Darlene and I.

Don't quote me on this, but maybe you'll see us near Labour Day.

yoo hoo said...

groovy, I promise I won't wear perfume that weekend.