Friday, April 13, 2007

100 things in 100 days - number 65

65. I met the only Mom I know when I was 3.

My birth mother died when I was barely a week old - complications of some sort. I can never remember the details because frankly, it's not something I can really identify much with. Don't be sad - I never knew her.

My father's parents (Oma and Opa) raised me until my Dad re-married when I was 3 years old. That's when I was introduced to my current mother. It didn't start out well. I was spoiled beyond rotten by my Oma and Opa, so Mom had an uphill battle from day one. Between her and my Dad, she assumed the role as disciplinarian, so that didn't work much in her favour either.

Our relationship finally improved after I left home to join the military. I guess growing up changes your perspective. Looking back, she gave me some great life lessons, but I was too stubborn to appreciate them at the time. I loves you Mom.

Pictured is Mom, my brother Bob, me and my sister Heidi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She'd just love this picture...heehee! (I do!) H.