Maybe it's just my perception, but I've noticed there are a lot of new families. A lot of expectant mothers and a lot of screeching, crying kids. The new parents are truly well-versed in the art of ineffective disciplining. Yep, there's a lot of "shhh!-ing" and "you wait until we get to the car / home / outside / the bathroom", which when you're not effectively disciplining your kids is about as effective as threatening them with alien invasion. We've taught parents to discuss their children's feelings. What about my bloody feelings? I'm out having a nice, quiet meal with my honey when the serenity is pierced by the shrill ravings of a child refusing to be placated by an offering of "would you like some salad sweetie?" Then there's the time-out. I'm OK with a time-out..... if it occurs somewhere else.
Thank you.
I should e-mail this to my mom. She claims I over-react when I go flying out of a restaurant with my child/children when one of them starts acting up. I WELL remember my pre-child days and how I hated being disturbed by a screaming kid. Since the kids is on me, the burden in on me to remove my kid ASAP since the majority of other diners desire a peaceful, scream-free meal.
We parents who do this seem to be in the minority. We made a rule early on, if Charlotte misbehaved we left. I do the same thing no matter where we are, if she does not settle down we leave, end of story. I think it's made her a better behaved little girl all round. But then I get told by people I'm too harsh... what the hell?
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