I know this is going to sound all new age-ey and stuff, but I consistently prove to myself that everything just works out when you go with the flow and stop worrying about stuff. It just does. It doesn't matter why. Asking why is just one more way to tell the universe "I doubt you can keep making things go right, so please just show me more inventive ways to mess with things so that I have something to complain about". Seriously. Going with the flow is just so damned easy.
I just wanted to put that out there.
Maxflex said;
And you want us to believe that you picked up the rolling paper for your wife?
Is it possible that you're too smart for your own good?
No........ no it is not possible....
Maxflex said;
Come on Karl go with the flow, by the way 2 win in a row for us (Habs fan).
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