I have always been fascinated by the belief systems people have. I am also fascinated by science. Unfortunately, science and belief systems don't always mix well - they usually contradict each other. The question is, who is right? And if one group is right, is it possible that so many people could actually be wrong about their positions on life, the universe and everything?
An interesting new direction in science is opening the door to the possibility that spirituality and science may be speaking the same language. It's called quantum physics. We watched a set of DVDs called What the Bleep Do We Know (Quantum Edition). In it, scientists begin explaining why we really don't know everything there is to know. They begin to punch holes in the classical "the rules of the universe are steadfast" theory. It's all very interesting stuff and certainly food for thought, whether you believe or not. If you do intend to watch this title, I recommend you get the quantum edition, which has 3 DVDs. The original release is on the first disc, the extended edition is on discs 2 and 3. But that's just the "A" sides. The "B" sides of all 3 discs have even more interviews with the scientists (and a medium) that takes you even further down the rabbit hole.
If you go looking, you will find many critics of the theories provided in this film. This should not be surprising.
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