Little did I know we would meet again in a few seconds. As I'm heading toward my car, this guy calls after me, "Hey buddy, can I ask you a question?" Here we go..........
He starts with this sob story about how his dad is stranded about a kilometre away. They ran out of propane and need to rustle up $21 to buy a bottle of propane to bring back to his dad. That was a good twist on the "ran out of gas" story which is easily solved by offering to bring a gas can to the stranded vehicle - go with propane.......... nice. I didn't have time or the patience to argue with the youngster, so I just told him I had no money on me (coffee in hand). But what I wanted to say to you was "What are you - stupid? I just saw you in that Tim Horton's nursing a nice hot coffee while your 'dad' was stranded in the cold. Guess you don't recognize me, huh?"
I guess you don't have to pass a test to panhandle........
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