I’ve worked as: a Disc Jockey, a blueprint machine operator, a short order cook (at a Zeller's restaurant no less), a teletype technician, an instructor (technology), a shop supervisor, an Army boot camp instructor. Now I’m a combination training developer / instructor / information assurance analyst / ILS analyst ( I have fingers in many pies).
I’ve never: been on a cruise ship; punched anyone; been arrested; been lost; broken a bone; been in a threesome; killed an animal (insects don't count); been weightless - yet; seen my dad in 13 years (he's alive - as far as I know).
I have: set a huge grass fire (by accident - I was 10); been stung by a bee in the ear; played real war games; driven across Canada (except for the Maritimes); owned 3 successive motorcycles; kissed a man on the lips (once - his name was David Devlin - great friend - not that way - man you guys are homophobic!)); been caught shoplifting (and lied my way out of it getting reported to my parents - HAHA!!).
I have taught: telecommunications to journeymen technicians; how to fix computers; eBay; blogging; internet security; and how to use Microsoft Office.
I am: pompous (so I'm told); someone with the gift of gab; mischievous; logical; adaptable; too blunt; a very good driver; a liberal; the creator of my own reality; curious about a great many things.
I know how to: find stuff on the internet; cook; connect your home theatre; navigate; troubleshoot things; dumb complex things down for everyone to understand.
I refuse to: put ketchup anywhere near my eggs; drink and drive; allow the stuff on my plate to intermingle; switch to boxers; bungee jump; be seduced by second life.
I might try to: get hired to do commercials; start my own business; lose another 20 pounds, become a DJ on CJSW (University of Calgary radio); guest-host The Hour on CBC; stop letting bad drivers upset me; get behind the controls of a plane (by invitation only, of course).
What do you do for physical activity? Do you workout? Just wondering 'cause you like to cook and eat and you say you might try to lose 20 more pounds.
Why do you think people say you're pompous? Do you think you're pompous?
Anonymous person #1:
I don't do enough physical activity, but I'm not a lazy slob. I walk a lot and use a stationary bike from time to time. As far as the weight is concerned, I've plateaued and would like to get over that hump - another 20 pounds would be nice.
Anonymous person #2:
It's a joke - get it? A pompous person would not readily admit that they're pompous. I don't think I'm pompous though. No really. I just think I'm more clever than most of the people I know. HAHAHA!!! You don't know what to think now....
I don't think you're pompous at all. Anyone who would say that about you must be jealous of all your talent and ability.
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