I have yet to watch the movie
An Inconvenient Truth. I bought it, but it's still waiting for me to have a couple hours of free time lately to actually watch it. If you haven't heard anything about the film, it's a documentary about (former - and perhaps future Presidential hopeful) Al Gore's campaign to increase awareness about global warming. I have read a lot of reviews on this film and the jury is in - anyone who thinks Mother Nature will sort herself out is right. With a vengeance.
Meanwhile, the producers of the movie have generously made 50,000 copies available for schools.
The National Science Teachers Association turned down the offer, suggesting it risks key financial supporters will cut their funding. What supporters? Ohhhh.......... like Exxon-Mobil........
They've got us by the gonads, my friends............
My husband and I watched this the other night. We had actually seen Mr Gore's presentation on C-span a couple of years ago and were quite impressed. The movie is EXCELLENT~ We had held off watching it because we didn't want to be depressed, but instead we are spurred on to even more conservation. The only thing left we need to do is wind or solar power and a hybrid car.
I hear ya. I am all over getting a wind generator or solar for our home. And my next car will be a hybrid (or whatever green technology exists at that time). I just wish our government gave us decent incentives to offset the costs.
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